Sunday 20 September 2015

Research: Sound - Mrs. Quinlan


What is sound and why is it important to use it in films?

Sound is crucial in every single movie especially in thrillers because it is what makes a thriller thrilling. Sound is used in films to create an understanding for the audience, creating more meaning about the character and their emotions. In addition, sound is also used to create a response from the audience whether it is to scare them or build up tension. There are two categories of sound in a movie including diegetic sounds and non-diegetic sounds. It is an important micro element as it's used to provide a particular mood for the audience providing them with information such as the characters in the film, the plot and location. If the sound was absent in a film the audience wouldn't react the same as if it did have sound therefore, sound is essential in films as it creates the tension and suspense for the audience.

Key Terminology and its use to create a response from the audience

Sound is categorised into two different types of sound:
  • Diegetic Sound - Diegetic sounds is the sound which is part of the film world such as the dialouge, music from a radio or jukebox.
  • Non-Diegetic Sound - A non-diegetic sound is the sound which is not part of the film world for example the soundtrack, sound effects or the narrative.
  • Off-Screen Sound - You can the sound in the particular scene but you cannot see it or you don't know where it's coming from e.g. laughing, coughing
  • On-Screen Sound - With on-screen sound, you are able to see where it's coming from e.g radio, car
  • Parallel Sound - Parallel sound is when the sound you hear in a film is what is expected of depending on what is happening.
  •  Contrapuntal Sound - This type of sound is when the sound does not match what is expected of the movie in other words a sound that doesn't correlate to what is specifically is happening in the film.


Diegetic sound is used in this movie clip from 'The Dark Knight' which means that the sound is part of the film world and can be heard by the characters. There is diegetic sound heard when the glass is shattered by the antagonist and his accomplices, this is the sound that they and the people around them can hear which is why it is called a diegetic sound. The glass shattering creates fear and uneasiness for the audience as it is a sound which is associated with being endangered. If a glass is broken, you are exposed by the outer world which is associated with danger and this is why the sound of the glass is significant. Therefore this makes the audience dislike the antagonists as they are causing problems for the protagonist.

There is non-diegetic sound used in this movie called 'Jaws'. In the clip, non-diegetic sound is used which means the soundtrack playing in the background cannot be heard by the characters in the film but only by the audience. The non-diegetic sound is clearly noticeably in this movie clip when the victims notice the shark. The soundtrack is accompanied by the theme tune 'dur dur' which creates fear within the audience and anxiousness. In addition, the audience is able to make a prediction in the next scene because of the sound that is presented makes us think of what the shark is capable of due to the build up of the soundtrack.

Analyse a scene from a thriller and identify three effective uses of sound

'The Dark Knight' (2013) Batman VS Joker:

  • In this movie clip 'Batman Vs The Joker', there are dogs barking at the sight of the dark knight appearing, this highlights that the dogs are afraid or are enemies of the dark knight, furthermore when the dogs are told by The Joker to "get him" they immediately attack Batman by barking loudly. This is a diegetic sound because we as the audience and the characters in the movie can hear the barking. This creates a chilling response from the audience because they fear the the Batman with get hurt as he is the protagonist in the film.
  • Futhermore, there is also the use of parallel sound when the Joker and the Batman are fighting there is the parallel sound of the kicking and punching. These are the type of typical sounds we as the audience is expected when watching a fight scene.
  • Moreover, there is also non-diegetic sound being used when the soundtrack is playing after the Batman throws the Joker off the edge of the building. This is non-diegetic because the chracters within the movie are not able to hear this because it is not part of the film world. This creates excitement and thrill because it makes us think if the Joker will fall to his death or not. 


Researching on sound has gave me an insight on how important sound is especially in thrillers because it is what creates a superb thrilling experience for the audience. I know that I must select the correct and appropriate sound to make it sound to make it effective and achieve how I want my audience to react to it.

1 comment:

  1. There is a sound understand of the techniques demonstrated, with clear discussion about the impact of these techniques on the audience. There are some thriller examples analysed.

    - Try to link a thriller example to each technique.
    - You have used The Dark Knight twice. Try to use a variety of thriller examples to show your wider understanding.
    - Consider how the three sound examples you have identified in your analysis, have helped to develop the audiences' understanding not just of the scene, but of the characters.
    - In your Conclusion, be specific about the sound techniques you would like to use in your thriller opening.
