Monday 19 October 2015

Research: Conventional Thriller Openings - Mrs. Quinlan

Conventional Thriller Openings

Why are film openings important?

Film openings are essential to a film as this is what will create a starting structure, setting the mood for the scene by giving the audience a clear idea of what to expect in terms of tone and a possible story line. Moreover, film openings also give the audience a first impression of the film as it is the most important time to be drawn to the film.

What is the purpose of film openings?

The purpose of a film opening is to educate the audience the type of atmosphere the film will later connote as well as depicting the tone of the film. This generally appeals to the audience when watching as it is to keep them watching, usually with thriller openings, they have suspenseful openings in which do not explain much but as the film progresses the audience will understand.
Film openings are important as it gives the audience the first impression of what the film might be like. A thriller opening often shows conventions and other themes to do with the particular sub-genre it might belong to. For example, if we see the iconography of a gun, then the audience instantly know that this will be based on an action thriller. This is why openings are important because they allow the audience to make their impression on the film to help with their understanding of the film.

Conventions of thriller openings?

A conventional thriller opening will usually have many close-up shots, low-key lighting and tense music, this is because the outcome are occasionally make specific themes such as; death, violence and mystery. Moreover, it is apparent to present narrative ideas. A thriller opening is important as viewers usually make assumptions on what might happen later on then the film whilst it progresses, it is good to intrigue the audience with a lot of suspense and tension that a thriller opening usually possesses.
Conventions such as the use of montages are used to create a small background stories to give the audience a tiny hint on what the narrative might be about. This also creates a chilling effect as the creepy images used make the audience feel uncomfortable such as the opening of 'Se7en'.

What information needs to go into a film opening?

A film opening usually would consist of opening credits of the main actors, this is to allow the audience understand who was involved in the making of the film but can also be used to set a certain tone as font and typography suggests specific themes.

Thriller openings analysis

This opening from 'Se7en' 1995 demonstrates various examples of conventional thriller openings. The specific type of typography used in this opening is consistent, using colours such as black and white that really stand out from the red and black transitioning scenes of various jump cuts and extreme close-ups of a person writing something down. It raises some eyebrows when we watch this as it further shows the viewers a mystery person attempting to remove his skin on his fingertips further removing his fingerprints. This could suggest that this specific character has bad intentions as he is trying to hide his identity, this is very conventional because the antagonists identity is always covered until the end which make the audience wanting to stay and watch the whole movie to find out who this mystery man/ woman is. Black and white filters are used during this opening which connote negative vibes such as death, almost already we get a chilling response from the audience as it already seems dark. Moreover, low-key lighting is used throughout the opening sequence to foreshadow gloomy events ahead.
Micro-elements used in this opening plays a huge part as it adds more tension and anticipation for the audience. Mise en scene in this opening is very effective, although we don't get to see the antagonists costume, this adds more suspense for the audience as they wait impatiently for the criminal to show his identity. This is what makes a good thriller opening.
The cinematography certainly makes the audience feel terrified just by watching the opening as the composition, colour and special effects adds to this. It can make the audience feel uneasy because of the way they abruptly jump from one side to another. An overlay of images of unknown victims or some sort causes discomfort to the audience which is good.

The opening sequence of the film 'Memento' 2000 demonstrates some examples of a thriller opening by starting with an extreme close-up to what seems to be a bloody and gory mess of Polaroid picture. Already the audience are confused to why this certain character has this picture in his hand. When it further progresses, we see the man shake the photo to the sight of it strangely disappearing. This is when the audience realize that the scene is been played back to them which keeps them tempted to know more. In addition, keeping them occupied and entertained to watch it till the end. When we area able to identify the character holding the strange picture, we notice that he has some scratches on his face that suggest that he has been in a fight. It rewinds back and we are able to see the man shoot another unidentified character which leaves the audience in suspense. The rolling credits are also used throughout this opening sequence as well as 'Se7en' wasting no time to show us what is going on, the typography uses a simple font with midnight blue as its colour. This could suggest that mourning that there will inevitable be the death of something during this movie as well as also contrasting to the red mess in the background making it stand out more.
The facial expressions of the victim clearly demonstrates that he is in distress, it uses the conventions of iconography of blood and guns to present its violence.


In conclusion, the research I have done on conventional thriller openings has given me an idea of what the audience might expect from a typical thriller opening. Already when the opening sequence stars rolling, I've learnt that there are many messages conveyed through the type of typography and camera shots used so I must think cautiously on what I choose to show in my thriller to get the particular response I want from my audience.
I definitely want to use the conventions of close-up shots to create tension and anticipation of seeing the antagonists face. The low-key lighting is definitely a must in a thriller opening so in that way it gives a more creepy and spooky atmosphere.


  1. There is a proficient understanding of the importance of film openings and the information they convey to the audience. There is a basic understanding of the purpose of openings and the conventions and micro elements used. There is a basic range of thriller opening examples used.

    - In your introduction, consider other reasons why film openings are important.
    - In your purpose section, use a thriller opening example and discuss its purpose.
    - In your conventions section, consider what other conventions are used and link these to a thriller opening example.
    - What other information is it important to convey to your audience in your opening sequence (think genre, atmosphere, characters, narrative etc.)?
    - In your Se7en analysis, bee more specific about the micro elements used in the opening and what information they convey to the audience. Is this an effective thriller opening?
    - Comment on whether the Memento opening is effect as a thriller opening and what information all the micro elements are trying to convey to the audience.
    - In your conclusion, be specific about the micro elements and conventions you will include in your own thriller opening.

  2. This is now a more proficient research post, with more specific examples referenced in each analysis.
