Saturday 24 October 2015

Research: Opening Credits and Typography - Mrs. Quinlan

Opening Credits & Typography

What are opening credits and what is their purpose?

Opening credits are always shown at the beginning of a film that shows who've contributed to the production such as the actors, the director and producers.  They are usually portrayed through texts on a blank screen during the opening scene of the film and accompanied with off-screen sound which is usually the soundtrack of film. Most of the time, the opening credits are names strategically presented in order from the most important names of the production to the least for example; the actors would be first, the director and so fourth. 
The purpose of opening credits is to introduce the audience the significant members of the production allowing them to understand who will be starring in the film and the names that have helped make this work.

What is typography?

Typography is the style, design and appearance of the printed letters that forms to be organised into words and/ or sentences. Typography differs from many other films according to what particular genre they belong to for example; the typography in a thriller film is likely to have a spine-chilling effect on the audience as the selected size, font and colour are carefully chosen. The type of typography used in a thrillers should always be thought out carefully in order to succeed in a particular audience response that the producers of the production want to achieve. It also adds an addition scare to the audience building tension even before watching the film.

What information do opening credits provide? Order of appearance?

And how do they make the audience feel?

Opening credits are usually presented in two different, common formats. The first format would include the name of the studio such as 'Universal Studios' being presented followed by the production team, producers, director, the cast, film title, editor and story boarder. The second format would consist of the production company demonstrated first followed by the title of the film, music composer, editor, writer and director. The opening credits allow the audience to identify what person is mainly responsible for each task in helping to produce the film. 
Within the first format, the director and producer would be presented in the beginning of the credits that further suggests that these roles are the most important and authoritative roles. After this, other roles will be presented. In the second format the director and producer would usually have their names closely together towards the end of the credits to portray their importance which the audience are likely to remember the most. Moreover, the celebrities starring in the film are near the beginning of  the credits as well as the director and producer which shows their significant to the film and without them, there would be no film.
The opening credits overall allow essential information to the audience so they know a little more of the production responsible for this particular film.


The Dark Knight Rises

The opening credits for 'The Dark Knight Rises' begins with introducing the company 'Warner Bros. Pictures' allowing the audience to understand what studio was responsible for this awesome film. It then allows the audience to see where this original idea came from which is 'DC Comics'. This follows the first format as it begins with the companies that were involved in the production of 'The Dark Knight Rises' and then shortly after the person who was responsible for this film (Christopher Nolan).It then transitions to the title of the film that is subtly put in between the jump cuts and then the main stars of the film are introduced: Christian Bale, Micheal Cane, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt Marion Cotillard and Morgan Freeman. After the lead cast is introduced to the viewers, it re-introduces the director and producer who are responsible for 'The Dark Knight Rises' screen play closely together 'Jonathan Nolan' and 'Christopher Nolan'. Executive producers are then introduced and then the director once again to remind the audience his significance to the movie. Overall, it immediately allows the audience to able to connect with the film as they are being introduced to the people who supported the film before watching it.

The opening credits have different effects on the audience according to their presentation. If the credits are also accompanied with the sound track of the film and in this particular example 'The Dark Knight Rises' which does allow the audience to hear the soundtrack, the viewers may experience feelings of fear and tension as they are able to predict what will occur in the progression of the film such as dark and gloomy intentions from a potential antagonist. There are moving images jumping to one shot to another. Images of Bruce Wayne are shown and shattered glass cover the images, this further creates excitement for the audience as it additionally adds to the fear and tension as they can predict what is going to occur later. Hence shattered class that connotes negative messages.

Typography and connotations. Examples:

The different types of typography have lots of different connotations to them for example:

  • Thriller Genre: The typography used in thriller genre 'Se7en' clearly connotes mystery through the use of smudged letters that the audience are able to infer from. This may suggest that the smudged letters connote mystery because the viewers are not quite able to read it clearly further creating mystery. This makes the audience question themselves whether a criminal is involved as the particular typography represents crime, suitable for a thriller genre. The colour white has been chosen which connotes innocence, vulnerability and purity however is juxtaposed with the smudged lettering symbolising crime and danger therefore might suggest crimes that are committed on the innocent. The typography used in 'Se7en' looks creepy and quite sinister giving the audience an idea of how the movie is going to be like, twisted and disturbing.

  • Action Genre: The typography used in the action thriller 'World War Z' is basic but bold. This makes it stand out to the audience more as its quite simplistic but very effective. The opening shows people's daily life which the audience doesn't expect anything too frightening to happen. This accompanied by the simple bold text used for the opening credits which also makes it look quite intimidating.

Typography and Thrillers: screen shot examples form thrillers and their connotations


  1. The typography from the film 'Inception' connotes death and danger with the use of the bold, red lettered font. The letters used in 'Inception' are appropriately spaced out for this particular genre as they have a deeper meaning suggests that the characters involved within this film are very different between each other however they must stay close to each other in order to succeed in their mission.

From my research, I believe the tow examples I've mentioned before , would be very effective as it compliments my thriller opening with an antagonist with different personalities. The simple typography is effective and further makes it look professional. I want my audience to establish how normal my antagonist is until we start to understand how sick and twisted he is. This is when my typography would change into something a little more disturbing for example 'Se7en's typography. I believe tha this will be very effective and let the audience understand him and the thriller opening more.


Creating thriller, I now know what is suitable for a conventional thrill. I need to ensure that my thriller opening will introduce the audience with the production company name first so they are immediately able to take that away further making it look highly professional. Shortly after, I should add in the names of those who will be starring in it in the order of the importance of their role. I will also accompany my opening with a sound track to generate mix feelings from the audience such as fear and excitement. The typography I will use needs to carefully chosen as I want it to be bold in order to grab the audiences attention. I should consider using a conventional colour such as red, white and black to portray danger, innocence and death. 

1 comment:

  1. There is a proficient understanding of both typography and opening credits. There is a proficient understanding of their importance, purpose and impact on the audience. There is a proficient range of examples used throughout.

    - For your Se7en example, also discuss the size and case type of the typography.
    - Use a different action example, and also include an analysis for another genre e.g. romance.
    - In your thrillers example section, include more detail about the typography used, including style and letter case.
    - Include another thriller example with analysis.
    - Include a section in which you discuss various typographic styles that might be suitable for your opening thriller.
    - In your conclusion, be more specific about the typography that you would like to use in your thriller opening.
