Friday 4 December 2015

Planning: Pre-production Paperwork - Miss Begum

Pre-production Paperwork


Just before I start creating my thriller, we had to produce pre-production paperwork which consists of a production schedule, camera shot list, location recce, location release form, risk assessment and client release form. This is important to create these documents before filming in order to seek permission and understand the risks that might be involved if we use these particular filming locations. Without any of these documents, our group are not able to film effectively due to the risks that might occur without having permission granted. If permission is granted, then as a group we are able to understand the risks more clearly, in addition knowing these risks, we will prepare ourselves by understanding how to deal or prevent these risks from arising. Other risks such as the police stopping us for setting up film cameras in public may question us, owners of the location may also question us if we do not have permission which is why this part of planning is very important.
We decided that Dillan would do location recce and risk assessment, Pervin will do production schedule and client release form whilst I take care of Location release form and the Shot-List.

Production Schedule

The production schedule is a short summary of what is going to happen during the filming process of our thriller opening. The document must be given to the cast and crew members so they are fully and clearly aware of the information revolving the thriller such as the times, location and dates of filming, it should also be easy to understand by everyone to prevent any confusion ensuring that everyone is aware of what is expected of them.

This is an example of our production schedule:

Location Recce

The location recce is a summary of the locations that the whole group have decided to use for the thriller making opening. This document should be given to each person involved in the filming process including the film crew and cast members so they have all the information regarding the locations that will be used in the opening. The location recce also should have visual information as well as reasons and choices for the chosen locations so everyone in the group understands.

This is an example of our location recce:

Location Release Form

A location release form is a legal document that discusses the terms and condition for the company/ council people that have granted us permission for the group to film at that particular location. The form should also be given to the company and council to show that they have given the group access to use the location so everyone have understood the terms and conditions and rights.

This is an example of our location release form:

Client Release Form

A client release form is a legal document that discusses the terms and agreements for any factors in our thriller opening. The client release form should contain analysis of risks and locations making the cast and crew fully aware of everything that will be involved in the production. This form should be given to everyone so that everybody knows what's expected from them.

This is an example of our client release form:

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment is also a legal document containing the analysis of locations that will be used in our making of the thriller opening risks that may occur identified and if so how the group plan to overcome these situations. The document also should be given to all the crew and cast members so the are aware of the potential risks and actions they will need to take if this does happen.

This is an example of our risk assessment form:

Conclusion: Advantages of the Pre-production Paperwork

The pre-production paperwork is very important and beneficial as:
  • The pre-production paperwork demonstrate that our filming process is legitimate preventing any distractions that may occur from suspicious spectators such as the police.
  • It allows my group to film effectively with no distractions.
  • It keeps us all safe whilst filming our thriller and if anything does happen, all know how to overcome this issue.
  • The pre-production paperwork has allowed us to identify the importance of seeking permission to use particular locations, preparing the production schedule and identifying the locations.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work here. Good to see that you have gone through legal stages and created the relevant paperwork that is required to ensure the smooth running and safety of your production. This will now mean you and your group are ready to start filming. Make sure you have a copy of your folder with you whilst filming and everyone who needs a copy of the paperwork has one.
