Tuesday 1 December 2015

Plannning: Preliminary Task - Miss Begum

Preliminary Task

Introduction: What is the purpose of preliminary task?

The preliminary task is very important when it comes to planning our thriller because it introduces us to new important skills that we may need such as how to film and edit competently. We are also as a group able to familiarise ourselves with the camera, learning to how to use it properly. It also allows us  to prepare for an insight of how filming will be like and what it'll consist of. Completing a preliminary task is a crucial task of our journey to a successful thriller opening as we will clearly understand how to apply improvements acknowledging our weaknesses. When it comes to filming our final production, each individual will feel more confident as we will be able to project our knowledge into our filming and editing confidently ensuring that we do not make mistakes that we did make in our preliminary task. In addition, the preliminary task is extremely beneficial for us as it'll give the group what is expected to come when working together as a group to produce the best opening we can.

This is an example of our Preliminary Task:

The Scenario (Screenshots)

As a group, before filming, we brainstormed a few ideas together in the time limit we was given and made sure that it'd be a particular scenario where we are able to use specific camera sizes, angles and movements appropriately.
I play a student who is always behind on work and Pervin plays another student who is also always struggling to keep on track with her studies as well.

  • For our scenario, we decided to keep it very simple as we are just adjusting to using the camera and other equipment that was given to us. We brainstormed some ideas together and came up with 2 students rushing to do their homework that was due in that day. Pervin and I played those 2 students. I walk past Pervin and reminded that we had homework due in.

  • In these frame, an over shoulder shot is taking to clearly demonstrate that there's a conversation between Pervin and I about the homework, I slam my bag on the table and start to panic.

  • There is a close-up shot of me unable to find the questions that were given as homework. There is a close-up shot of my hands rustling through my book to really empathise the iconography used in this frame which is the homework book. The colour orange is commonly used to express confusion in an individual furthermore portraying my current emotions.

  • Another shoulder over an over-shoulder shot is used to again portray the two of us talking to each other. Pervin scolds me for doing this for the third time.

  • Finally, the last scene is of me running off to quickly finish off the homework that I hadn't completed.

Group Roles for the Preliminary filming. Has this now changed for the final one?

For the preliminary filming, we enabled Dillan as our Director and cameraman whilst Pervin and I were the actors. My role also included responsibility in the script writing and narrative and all of us took part in editing.
Whilst for our final one, we decided as a group that Dillan should maintain the role as the Director and cameraman as he is able to understand how to work the camera more competently as well as learning how to effectively overcome his mistakes he made before in our preliminary task. Pervin has chosen to take responsibility in costume, hair, make-up and lighting which will enable to apply her knowledge on costume for a successful and chilling thriller opening. I've decided that my role should enable me to look over storyboarding so I am able to completely understand what type of cinematography is appropriate for a certain frame. My responsibility will be on the narrative as well as writer and actor so I am able to apply my knowledge of the narrative and project through my acting to get the best possible outcome.

Difficulties I've encountered whilst filming

There were many different difficulties we had encountered whilst filming such as:
  • There were some difficulties that we encountered whilst filming our preliminary task for instance, having constant background noise by other students and teachers that happened to walk and/or run pass therefore we had to kept on having to stop filming and restart the whole scene again. We have to make sure when filming, location is vital because there could be other additional, unwanted sounds that the camera may pick up which makes the production look very unprofessional.
  • In addition location. Location is vital and has to be chosen appropriately as the place we decided to film had many other students in the background who were not part of the production team. This made it look very unprofessional. More importantly, we didn't get their consent to film them.
  • As full time students, we were not able to act without laughing so in some scenes, there were visible smiles on our faces. This shows that we need more practice and we've come to the conclusion to just me in our final idea.

What have you learned?

After filming and editing our preliminary task, I've learnt how to operate the camera well within our group. As a group, we've learnt how to effectively use the camera and other camera equipment like the tripod, enabling to keep the camera steady whilst filming. Without completing our preliminary task, we would've been unaware of how to use the camera and tripod properly and effectively that would make our final production unprofessional and of low standard.
Moreover, the preliminary task has also helped me to work with my group members that help me understand everyone's individual strengths and weakness to able to work in a group cohesively therefore, understanding everyone's ability will prevent any disagreements that may arise in the group whilst working together.
Overall, I learned about what I must do to be successful in my final production.
I've learn't many things to do with final cut pro, from basic to simple stuff like using the blade tool to chop particular scenes out and adding sound. This was difficult for me at first as I was not use to this professional software and it was initially my first time using it independently. I found it difficult to import my video first and I was unsure on how to slow down particular scenes. I overcame this by asking those who were expereinced then I am an d tutorials on YouTube.

Conclusion: How has the task been beneficial?

The preliminary task has been hugely beneficial because it has helped me to understand how to use the camera equipment effectively making the results professional. It has also taught me team work skills that furthermore help in the long term whilst I prepare myself for my final production, building a good relationship with my members in my group is highly important as it encourages us to work together cohesively with no disagreements and negativity that would've lead to unfinished or low standard work.


  1. Highly proficient work here. The preliminary task has clearly helped you operate a camera and identify the basic skills of filming and editing. Clear to see that you have worked well within your group in your first attempt and have shared tasks and responsibilities.

    To improve;
    -any difficulties with final cut pro?
    -did you learn anything from final cut pro?

  2. Good to see that you have stated what you have learnt. Excellent work.
