Monday 16 November 2015

Planning: Storyboard - Miss Begum



A storyboard is a graphic representation of how a particular film will unfold shot by shot. A storyboard consists of illustrations of images representing each shot showing what will happen, location wise, the duration and other additional information like the type of editing and cinematography that will be used. Each shot is supported by important notes including the type of camera shot that will be used, location, props, lighting, actors, sound, dialogue, editing and narrative description. A story board is vital when it comes to planning out an idea because it becomes extremely useful when it comes to filming.

Advantages of Storyboarding

A storyboard is vital when it comes to creating a movie clip such as my thriller opening that I will be making with my group. Storyboarding helps bring films to life by giving them a clear indication of what to expect in next following scenes. Storyboarding is very beneficial for my group when it comes to filming because it allows them to identify the importance of particular elements the director should include. It further allows us to have a clear idea as to whether our idea is realistic and was is achievable and what is not.

Images of Storyboarding




Overall, a storyboard is very helpful and beneficial when it comes to film making as it allows the particular individual to develop ideas that make them fully aware of what is achievable and what is not. When creating my storyboard, I had included all the important information and details associated with each shot therefore I will experience a much smoother film making process.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent evidence of storyboarding here. Good evidence of detailed planning within the group.

    To improve;
    -would the storyboard help in the editing stages? How?
    -will it save you time?
    -did it help bring the idea of life dong this? State in the conclusion
